Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sea Lion Rescue -12/27/07

Deborah, Norma, Honey, Cali and I were walking past Powerhouse beach in Del Mar, today around 2 PM, when eagle-eye Norma spotted what appeared to be a sea lion perched upon a rock in the surf. The following photo's reveal what turned out it to be a juvenile sea lion in very poor condition. Life guards alerted Sea World, which dispatched a rescue worker and truck. The desperate, but fortunate creature was rescued and was to be delivered to Sea World where it would receive veterinary attention. It appeared to be malnurished with a possible infection or injury.


David H Gatley said...

WOOO! Union Tribune eat your heart out! This is great! You want a job at the David Gatley times? I need a good reporter/photographer =) I'll pay you in beer...copious amount of beer.

Deborah said...

December 27th is my favorite so far. Although I love the other photos also.